INDRAMAYU - The government of Indramayu Regency, West Java, has allowed schools to hold face-to-face learning. However, the number of students is limited to only 50 percent of the existing capacity.

"Teaching and learning activities are carried out face-to-face with a capacity of 50 percent," said Acting Head of the Indramayu Regency Education Office, Caridin, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, August 14.

He said in principle the Indramayu Regent encouraged the implementation of limited face-to-face learning provided that health protocols had to be met.

This activity, continued Caridin, can only be carried out after August 16, 2021, so that the school still has the opportunity to meet the requirements according to the guidelines for implementing limited face-to-face learning.

"Schools may carry out limited face-to-face learning on condition that they meet the health protocol, as per the implementation guidelines," said Caridin.

Caridin added that in order to implement the rules contained in the Minister of Home Affairs and the SE of the Indramayu Regent, the education unit or school must first coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force at the District level.

Because those who better understand school conditions related to the readiness to implement limited face-to-face learning are the COVID-19 Task Force according to their respective sub-districts.

"I have instructed school principals in their respective education units to coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force at the sub-district level," said Caridin.

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