JAKARTA - The King of Mangkunegaran Solo, Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya (KGPAA) Mangkunegara IX who died Friday 13 will be buried on Sunday 15 August at the cemetery of the kings of Astana Girilayu, Matesih, Karang Anyar. This is the official statement put forward by the Public Relations of Pura Mangkunegaran Solo.

When he breathed his last, King Solo lived in Jakarta and underwent treatment in the capital. "He is already old and his physical condition is not like that of a young person. He is more than 70 years old," said Joko Pramudyo, Public Relations Staff of Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta.

According to Joko, the deceased will be buried on Sunday, August 15 with a Javanese traditional ceremony. "Like the funeral of the kings of Solo, there will be a traditional ceremony. In front of the pavilion, there will be a traditional ceremony which will be followed by the children and the garwo (wife). After that, the bodies will be sent to the burial site," he said.

According to the Surakarta Police Chief, Police Commissioner Ade Safri, his party will provide assistance to secure the procession of the departure of the corpse from Puro Mangkunegaran to the burial place.

"The funeral will be held on Sunday, August 15. It will begin with a traditional ceremony at 10.00 WIB. After that, the body will be brought to Girilayu Matesih, Karang Anyar with an escort from the Surakarta Police," explained Police Commissioner Ade Safri regarding the funeral plans for Mangkunegara IX. Here's the full recording.

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