JAKARTA - All Indonesian people have the right to access information via the internet. The government must also reform digital infrastructure, especially for people in remote areas.

Plt. Director of Public Communication Governance and Partnership of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Bambang Gunawan, said that this was in accordance with Article 28 (F) of the 1945 Constitution which stated that everyone has the right to communicate and obtain information to develop their personal and social environment.

"And the internet as a communication medium, data exchange media, to find information or data, ease of information and also ease of doing business and other fields such as government," he said at a webinar initiated by BAKTI Kominfo with the theme "Utilization of ICT for Social and Business", he said. quoted Friday 13 August.

The law also states that everyone has the right to seek, obtain, possess, store, process, and convey information using all available channels.

Moreover, he continued, currently many companies are running their business using various applications or devices (smart industry using internet-of-things) that lead to industrial digitization.

"However, education for the public is also important because internet users make the wrong use of the internet by spreading wrong information. There are also threats to internet use such as hoaxes, disinfondemic, radicalism, pornography, bullying and others. However, digital has also driven changes in economic and political policies. the world in the future. Likewise, people's perspectives, attitudes and behavior will also change, such as the concept of work, healthy living culture, shopping activities, "he explained.

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