JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) continues to encourage the implementation of an integrated transportation system in various cities, in order to meet the community's need for environmentally friendly modes of transportation. to make this happen," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Transportation Djoko Sasono in an online discussion monitored in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, August 12. Transit/MRT) Jakarta.
He said that the MRT serves as the backbone of movement in urban areas which is very effective if it is integrated with various other transportation modes. developed in various other cities in Indonesia. "For example in Jakarta, the integration of the MRT with bus transportation as well as other modes. Even in other big cities, we have started to develop these approaches," he said. Djoko added that the government provided support through policies that prioritize the development of mass public transportation with large carrying capacity. This is done so that the use of resources becomes more efficient and environmentally friendly.
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