CIANJUR - The owner of a stall on the southern coast of Cianjur, West Java, was forced to dismantle their stall so that it would not be damaged by the waves and abrasion that continues to spread along the coast.

The owner of a shop in Apra Beach, Sindangbarang District, Ruhiyat said, most of the owners of the beachfront stalls stopped selling in the last three months. they chose to dismantle the shop so it wouldn't be damaged by the waves or collapsed by abrasion.

"About 35 stall owners were forced to disassemble themselves, so that the materials can still be used again if the waves are normal and tourists return. Since the last three months, we have stopped selling, especially during PPKM," he said when contacted, Antara, Thursday, August 12.

During the pandemic, traders on the south coast were unable to sell normally due to various restrictions. Especially since the last month, the beach has not been opened because social restrictions have been extended again. As a result, traders change professions as unskilled laborers and farm coolies.

Ruhiyat hopes that assistance from the government will also flow to traders like other residents. So far, traders who sell have never been touched by assistance, both from the center and the regions.

"We have never received assistance, we hope that in the future, we will receive capital assistance to re-open a business," he said.

The same thing was expressed by Sumiati, a beachside shop owner who was forced to dismantle his stall. He hopes that PPKM will end soon so that they can sell normally. During the pandemic, there are minimal tourists who come and make the capital they have run out for daily expenses.

"If PPKM is over, tourists are busy again, we hope the economy will recover. We hope for capital assistance from the government so that we can sell again. We dismantle the stalls so they don't get carried away by the waves, later the materials can be used to rebuild," said Sumiati.

Meanwhile, the Cianjur Regency Government will help fishermen and traders in southern Cianjur Beach, in developing their businesses, including preparing various promotional events after the pandemic is over. But for now, they are asked to be patient because the government is still focused on dealing with COVID-19.

"When the pandemic is over, the government will focus on restoring the economy, including in the southern region, in addition to providing capital assistance with low interest rates, we will prepare promotional events and training for fishermen and their families, including providing cultivation training and promotion via the internet," said the Cianjur Regent, Herman Suherman.

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