SURABAYA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Miftachul Akhyar arrived at the Islamic Hospital (RSI) Surabaya, to undergo treatment after an accident on the Salatiga-Semarang Toll Road, Central Java.

Kiai Miftah, as he is familiarly called, arrived in an NU ambulance under a tight guard from the Semarang District Police Patwal.

On site monitoring, Kiai Miftah arrived at Jemursari Hospital Surabaya at 13:45 WIB, Thursday, August 12. Arriving at the hospital, Kiai Miftah was immediately greeted by the Chairman of the RSI Surabaya Foundation, M. Nuh, accompanied by a number of doctors and medical officers.

Kiai Miftah was then immediately brought by medical officers to the Emergency Room (IGD). Kiai Miftah suffered minor injuries as a result of the accident.

"Alhamdulillah, only minor injuries occurred on the left arm when the accident occurred," said PC Secretary Ansor Salatiga, Zidni Ilman Alfikri, while accompanying Kiai Miftah from Salatiga to Jemursari Hospital, Surabaya.

Zidni said Kiai Miftah sat in the car on the left behind the driver, while the aide was on the left side of the car. When the accident occurred, Kiai Miftah suffered abrasions from a broken car glass splash.

"Kyai Miftah's condition is in good condition, without serious injuries," he said.

This certainty, said Zidni, was discovered after Kiai Miftah was physically checked after the accident at the Salatiga Hospital. In fact, he said, Kiai Miftah had been X-rayed and it was found that there were no internal injuries and fractures.

"He is also conscious, there are no wounds on the head, only minor abrasions. He even had time to thank us," he said.

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