JAKARTA - Head of the Bandarlampung District Attorney's Office (Kajari) Abdullah Noer Deni said he had appointed two prosecutors to handle the alleged beating of a health worker working at the Kedaton Public Health Center, Bandarlampung.

"We have appointed two prosecutors to handle the case," he said in Bandarlampung, as reported by Antara, Thursday, August 12.

He said that his party would work professionally in handling the case. The appointed prosecutor will handle the case according to the authority in the file.

"We are in accordance with the authority in the file," he said.

Previously, the Bandarlampung Police had named three suspects for the beating of health workers at the Kedaton Health Center, Bandarlampung City, which occurred on Sunday, July 4.

"We have filed a case and have named three suspects for assaulting a health worker at the Kedaton Health Center, namely the initials A, NV, and DD," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bandarlampung Police, Kompol Resky Maulana, in Bandarlampung, Saturday, August 1.

He explained this after the investigation was carried out by the Bandarlampung Police investigators and based on the evidence obtained, such as viral videos on social media (social media) and other evidence, namely glasses and stones left at the location. All point to these three actors.

"This evidence is a very direct clue, where at that time the three were at the scene. For this stone evidence, in the video it is shown that someone is about to take something, it turns out he took a stone," he said. He said that in the abuse of health workers, the three perpetrators had their respective roles, A and NV beat the victim, while D held the health worker.

Kompol Resky emphasized that the three suspects will be charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code on Persecution with the threat of seven years in prison.

"Now we are still processing it further and asking for information from the three," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a health worker in Bandar Lampung was abused by a number of people while on picket on Sunday, July 4. The incident began when the perpetrator wanted to borrow an oxygen cylinder at the Kedaton Health Center on the grounds that his parents were sick at home, but the health workers were not allowed to because they did not take the patient to the health facility.

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