JAKARTA - The church in Indonesia is preparing to resume face-to-face worship in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. There are several things that will change in this worship. Including, there are no more peace greetings for Catholics and people are expected to sing silently.

Chairman of the Commission on Relations Between Beliefs of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) Agustinus Heri Wibowo said the Catholic church is currently entering the preparatory stage ahead of the reopening of the church in July. However, the opening of this church was not immediately carried out in all Catholic churches in Indonesia.

"In general, 57 percent of the 37 dioceses spread across 34 provinces have not held physical services in the sense of being in a church but they are still livestreaming, still online," Agustinus said in a press conference broadcast on BNPB's YouTube account, Friday, June 19.

Likewise with churches located in parishes or neighborhoods in the green zone. He said, even though they are in a safe zone free of the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, not all churches will be reopened.

This is because KWI does not want the church to be one of the causes for the emergence of a new cluster of COVID-19 transmission. "We are careful so that religious activities and places of worship do not become new clusters," he said.

Agustinus then explained that currently, the Catholic church is making preparations including educating people to comply with health protocols, preparing safe places of worship for COVID-19, and arranging liturgical or worship guidelines in accordance with the new normal phase.

One of the liturgical guidelines that is regulated is the greeting of peace. In the process, the people will shake hands with those sitting around them. However, this will not be able to be done by Catholics in the midst of this new normal phase.

"We are building liturgical guidelines that are in line with the new life order in the midst of this COVID-19. For example, songs that have been reduced a lot, it is enough for the opening, offering, and closing. Then the peace greetings that used to be a handshake, now just need to close your hands," he said. .

Furthermore, the Catholic church will also organize the communion distribution procession for the people. "Then the matter of receiving communion, the officers must wash their hands and after distributing it. Then the people who greet them do not say 'amen' but bow their heads," he explained.

The General Chairperson of the Synod Assembly of Protestant Churches in Western Indonesia (GPIB) Paulus Kariso Rumambi said that people could still do praise while carrying out worship at the church. It's just that, they should sing silently.

"We urge that when praising God, keep wearing masks. Even if necessary, sing silently," said Paulus.

"But there is a song leader who sings on the balcony above, he sings using the faceshield, while the good people sing silently to maintain safety in the worship room," he added.

GPIB, continued Paulus, has prepared a guide that has been socialized this June. A number of these guidelines, he said, contained procedures for worship in a safe place of worship for COVID-19.

According to the guidelines, people who come to the church will have their temperature checked. Those who do not wear masks will be provided by the church because wearing masks is mandatory. Next, the congregation must fill out the attendance list. "This is for contact tracing," he said.

Furthermore, the congregation will get a seat number and the officers will be escorted to the number that has been determined.

General Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Churches (PGI) Jacky Manuputty said the Christian church has also prepared a number of guides for worship during midnight.

However, they asked the church to refrain from holding face-to-face meetings and continue to coordinate with regional Task Forces to see the progress of the epidemiological curve.

Even if worship will be carried out, Jacky then emphasized that parents and children should still worship at home.

"Our parents and children urge them not to participate in congregational services. But we have to think of creative ways to serve parents and children at home. It takes creative ideas and liturgical adjustments as new patterns," said Jacky.

For children, Jacky also reminded that Sunday school activities held by the church must be done online. "Principally, children like to play. Because when they get together, they run here and there, touching this. We avoid such risks," he concluded.

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