JAKARTA - The Cirebon City Police Narcotics Unit, West Java Regional Police arrested a woman from Jakarta who was a dealer of illegal drugs or pharmaceutical preparations without a permit by seizing 87,000 pills ready for distribution.

"We arrested three suspects, two men and one woman," said Cirebon City Police Chief AKBP Imron Ermawan, in Cirebon, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 11.

According to him, the case was uncovered after his party arrested a drug dealer in Cirebon City, following many reports from the public.

The suspect who was first arrested, said Imron, with the initials MA, admitted that he got the drugs from a dealer in Jakarta.

Then after being traced, the narcotics unit arrested two big dealers, namely LN and SS at his residence in Jakarta.

"This SS is a woman who is a drug dealer, we arrested her at her home with LN," he said again.

He added that from the confession of the suspect SS, he had been involved in and circulated illegal drugs for two years, with many ordering parties from outside the region.

Meanwhile, the confiscated evidence from the three suspects consisted of 87,800 pills consisting of 40,400 tramadol pills, 18,400 trihex pills and 29,000 heximer pills.

"The suspect was charged with Article 196 in conjunction with Article 197 of Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health. The maximum penalty is 15 years or a fine of Rp. 1.5 billion," he also said.

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