JAKARTA - The management of Kota Kasablanka Mall, South Jakarta, requires visitors to show a vaccine card as a requirement when entering the shopping center.

Senior Promotion Manager of Kota Kasablanka Mall, Agung Gunawan said, the obligation was a follow-up to the rules issued by the government regarding the opening of shopping centers during the extension of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions.

"There are several new regulations that must be applied to the Kota Kasablanka Mall, namely by showing a vaccine certificate through such a protective care application," Agung said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 11.

His party canceled shows and entertainment programs so as not to cause a crowd inside the mall owned by conglomerate Alexander Tedja. Currently only serving visitors who want to shop for daily necessities and will limit visitors to 25 percent of the mall's capacity.

“Now it really accommodates the shopping needs of the visitors. And we are still limiting the capacity of 25 percent of visitors," he said.

Agung appreciates the government's policy because it has allowed the mall to operate again even though its visitors are still limited.

“Kota Kasablanka is open or has been operating again on August 10. We are very grateful to the government for allowing us to open operations," he said.

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