JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said positive cases of COVID-19 had declined for three consecutive weeks. Last week, positive cases this week also fell by almost 50 thousand cases from last week.

"In weekly positive cases, this week there was another decline in cases from the previous week's 273,891 to 225,635, or a decrease of 48,256 cases," said Wiku in the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube video, Tuesday, August 10.

In addition to the weekly decline in positive cases, active cases at the national level also fell for the second week in a row. Where, this week down 17 percent from the peak on July 25 last.

However, said Wiku, the current decline in cases is not enough to return to the conditions before the spike in cases at the end of last June. This is because daily cases are currently around 4-7 times higher than before the spike in cases.

"Our daily cases range from 5,000 to 7,000 cases, while currently it is still at 20,000 to 40,000," he said.

In detail, Wiku explained that there were still several provinces that showed a fairly high increase in positive cases even though cases nationally had decreased.

Entering the 6th week of PPKM Levels 1 to 4, there are 5 provinces that contributed the highest cases, including East Nusa Tenggara which rose 2,303 cases, Central Sulawesi rose 1,733, Bangka Belitung rose 982 cases, South Kalimantan rose 624 cases, and West Sumatra up 587 cases.

In addition, the highest increase in active cases at the provincial level was also contributed by provinces which were almost the same as the contributors to the highest positive cases, namely North Sumatra, Central Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, West Sumatra, and South Sulawesi.

"For provinces that have the highest increase in cases and other provinces that are still experiencing increases, the governors and mayors as well as the regents below them to anticipate moving to prepare health service facilities in their respective regions so that these rising cases can be immediately addressed. controlled," he concluded.

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