JAKARTA - The investigation file for the alleged corruption case of the inactive West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara has been handed over by the KPK. In the near future, Aa Umbara will be tried for the case that ensnared her.

The Junior Registrar of Corruption Crimes at the Bandung District Court, Yuniar, said that currently his party is still in the process of appointing a judge who will lead the trial of Aa Umbara.

"There is no schedule yet, now we just want to appoint a judge," Yuniar said in Bandung, West Java, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 10.

After the judges were appointed, he said, Aa Umbara's trial schedule also needed to be adjusted. Because the judges have a busy trial schedule.

"If it's not crowded (usually intermittent) one week (for the trial)," he explained.

The Aa Umbara case has been registered at the Bandung District Court with Case Number 55/pid.sus-tpk/2021/pn bdg. Apart from Aa, there are also other related defendants, namely Andri Wibawa with Case Number 56/pid.sus-tpk/2021/pn bdg and M Totoh Gunawan with Case Number 57/pid.sus-tpk/2021/pn bdg. Previously, the KPK on Monday, August 9, they transferred the case files of three defendants in the corruption case in the provision of social assistance (bansos) in West Bandung Regency to the Bandung Corruption Court (Tipikor).

The three defendants, namely the inactive West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara Sutisna, Andri Wibawa from the private sector/child Aa Umbara, and M. Totoh Gunawan as the owner of PT Jagat Dirgantara (JDG) and CV Sentral Vegetable Garden City Lembang (SSGCL).

In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the West Bandung Regency Government budgeted a number of funds for handling the COVID-19 pandemic by refocusing the 2020 APBD budget on unexpected expenditures (BTT).

From these procurement activities, Aa Umbara is alleged to have received around Rp. 1 billion in money, the source of which was set aside by M. Totoh from the price per food package with Aa Umbara's picture sticker attached to it to be distributed to the people of West Bandung Regency.

In addition, Aa Umbara is also suspected of receiving gratuities from various offices in the West Bandung Regency Government and private parties working on various projects in West Bandung Regency amounting to around Rp. 1 billion.

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