BANDARLAMPUNG - Chairman of the Panel of Judges Efiyanto sentenced the defendant Rengga Puspa Negara, a functional prosecutor at the Kejari Pesawaran, Lampung, to imprisonment for seven months.

"Sent a prison sentence of seven months," said Efiyanto in a trial at the Tanjungkarang Class I District Court, Bandarlampung, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 9.

Apart from defendant Rengga, two other defendants were sentenced to seven months. They are Handro Yuricki, a Substitute Registrar at the Gedongtataan Court, Pesawaran, Lampung, and Ali Ferdian, a civil servant at the Blambangan Umpu District Court, Waykanan, Lampung.

Previously, Public Prosecutor Iskandarsyah demanded that the three defendants be sentenced to ten months in prison.

In the previous indictment, prosecutor Rengga was charged with Article 112 paragraph (1) and Article 127 paragraph (1) of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

Then the defendants Handro Yuricki and Ali Ferdian were charged with three articles, namely Article 114 paragraph (1), Article 112 paragraph (1), and Article 127 paragraph (1) of Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics.

All three were sentenced to prison terms for the use of narcotics. The three were arrested by the Lampung Police's Drug Investigation Directorate a few months ago.

Prosecutor Rengga was arrested as a result of the development of his two colleagues who were first arrested on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Bandarlampung. Rengga was arrested at his home in the Sukabumi area, Bandarlampung.

During the arrest at Rengga's house, the Lampung Police found evidence in the form of methamphetamine scales and eight firearms.

In addition, they also found one device for shabu-shabu suction, six clips using methamphetamine, one clip containing marijuana seeds, and one gas lighter.

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