BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya underwent the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination with residents at the Puri Begawan Building, Bogor City, West Java, Monday, August 9.

Bima Arya came to the location wearing a black T-shirt covered with a black jacket. Before being vaccinated, Bima Arya underwent a number of procedures such as checking data, screening, measuring blood pressure and body temperature, then injecting the vaccine.

He also underwent observation for about 15 minutes after the vaccine was injected and then returned to work at the Bogor City Hall. "Alhamdulillah, the second dose of vaccination went smoothly," he said as quoted by Antara.

He said that with the increasing number of residents of Bogor City who have been injected with the COVID-19 vaccine, the local community will have stronger immunity.

"Communal immunity will be formed, but I remind you to continue to carry out prokes (health protocols)," he said.

During the second vaccine injection, the doctor who injected the vaccine also reminded Bima Arya to remain careful, because he often met many people in his field work, so he had to keep social distancing and strictly follow health protocols.

As of Monday, Bogor City's vaccination achievement was 347,537 people or 42.41 percent of the 819,444 people. "Hopefully in a few days it will reach 50 percent," he said.

Bima admitted that he continues to coordinate with the Minister of Health so that the delivery of vaccines from Jakarta to Bogor City runs smoothly, both for the first and second doses, as well as the Moderna vaccine as a booster for health workers.

"We will arrange everything and we will continue to accelerate it with the TNI and Polri," he said.

The implementation of vaccination in Bogor City by the Health Office works with various parties in 17 locations that are vaccination centers, by injecting 10,000 to 17,000 doses of vaccine.

Bima Arya previously underwent the first dose of vaccination at the Braja Mustika Building, Bogor City, last July 12.

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