JAKARTA - BUMN Minister Erick Thohir, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan inaugurated the integration system for 4 major stations in Jakarta. The stations are Sudirman Station, Tanah Abang Station, Juanda Station, and Senen Station.

This transportation integration system is a follow-up to the collaboration between PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) and PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda). The arrangement of the 4 station area began in January 2020 and was completed last May and cost Rp25 billion.

However, because at that time Jakarta was still in the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and was focused on dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak, the inauguration was postponed until entering the transitional PSBB period.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said the integration of 4 stations with a number of other modes of transportation serves as an efficiency for people who use public transportation every day. That way, they will reduce the use of private vehicles.

"Hopefully, residents who live and do activities in Jakarta can be more productive and efficient. God willing, the benefits will exceed those of using private vehicles," said Anies at Sudirman Station, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, June 17.

In the integration of these 4 stations, said Anies, a marker is attached that gives directions for public transportation so that the public can find out the points of transportation modes to continue their journey.

"So far, when leaving the station, there is no road or route information because it seems as if everyone knows the streets. In fact, so many people come without knowing Jakarta. Now given way finding and signing, God willing, Jakarta is more ready to be part of the economy. global, "he explained.

In managing the integration of stations, the central government and DKI Pemprov formed a company called PT Moda Integrasi Transport Jabodetabek. "So, the management of station facilities is really a unit," he said.

More specifically, the integration of these 4 stations has the principle of bringing distances closer to other modes of transportation.

When exiting Sudirman Station, there are 4 integration of other transportation modes, namely the Airport Train Station and MRT in the west, TransJakarta Tosari Bus Stop in the north (corridors 1, 18, 4, 4A, 4C, 6B, 9B, B11, L4, and S21 ), as well as pick-up points for ojek pangkalan and ojol in the east. The distance between modes is less than 100 meters.

Meanwhile, at Tanah Abang Station, the station is integrated with a transit area, Transjakarta stops (corridors 1H, 1N, 1R, 5M, 8C, 8K, 9D, S41, and 5F), ojek shuttles, and other public transportation bases such as bajaj, microtrans, and Jaklingko.

Then, at Senen Station, there is an integration with the Transjakarta bus stop passing the zebra cross, motorcycle taxi stations, and other public transport bases. Meanwhile, Juanda Station has an integration with a motorcycle taxi and a bajaj base.

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