JAKARTA - The implementation of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in a number of areas will end today, Monday, August 9th. The public is still waiting for the government to officially announce whether to extend or terminate the policy.

Member of Commission IX DPR Rahmad Handoyo assessed that the government will make a decision whether or not to extend PPKM Level 4 based on an evaluation of the indicators on the implementation of the policy.

"The question of whether we can extend it or not is up to the government. Honestly, we have to admit that PPKM level 4 is quite positive nationally," said Rahmad to VOI, Monday, August 9.

In some areas, he continued, especially Jakarta, BOR was reported to have decreased. Then exposure to positive cases of COVID-19 has also decreased nationally and in areas that are declared a scale of 4, such as DKI Jakarta.

Nevertheless, said Rahmad, even though PPKM Level 4 is, the death rate is still very high. So, it must be a common concern because the number is still above 1,000 and even 1,500-1,600 people per day.

This has also become a critical note for Commission IX of the DPR as a consideration for the government to decide whether the PPKM is extended or not.

"I think the government will definitely provide or make the best steps for our community together. This means that the government certainly accepts input from all academic circles, epidemiology, virology, then economists, and our brothers and sisters are also listened to in this level 4 impact," he said. the PDIP politician.

For example, he continued, taking into account inputs who could not work or had their businesses closed due to being affected by level 4. However, according to Rahmad, reflecting on what the central government did with the extension last week, it seems that the decision will be left to each local government.

"I think it's a very wise step. It means that those who previously couldn't do business at all could start a business. With a note that they can be opened, for example there are special requirements in Jakarta malls are opened with a note of entry requirements (vaccine cards, ed). This is a wise step for the government, " he said.

"After all, in the end (if, ed) today it will be extended, of course the adjustments can also be submitted to the regions, so that they are expanded. That is a solution because it is clear what the level 3-4 provisions are, the death rate, it can't be tampered with. the regional level is included in the level 4 criteria, it is impossible for us to force it to enter level 3," continued Rahmad.

But again, said Rahmad, whatever the decision, the government will definitely give the best, including whether the level is lowered or not. "We leave it entirely to the government. The most important thing is not to be complacent about this declining figure because at any time it can go up, that's what we have to pay attention to together," he said.

In addition, Rahmad emphasized that health protocols are the main capital in controlling COVID-19, including 3 M.

"That is our most powerful, effective, efficient weapon. Besides that, we also encourage vaccinations to be grounded and inflamed in every region," said the Central Java legislator.

"Don't let what we have achieved we become complacent, there are hospitals that are empty, BOR goes down, the numbers are unstable and we shouldn't be complacent because at any time the numbers could explode, we don't heed the prokes," added Rahmad.

If the mobility is high, he added, the potential to go back up again is very high. And in the end the victims of COVID-19 will also be high as well.

"If in the end there is an adjustment, for social assistance in the form of basic necessities then BLT, labor intensive, and grant assistance to be delivered to people who really need it according to the criteria. Hopefully this can relieve and help people who are directly affected by COVID-19 and PPKM level 4," said Rahmad Handoyo.

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