JAKARTA - If there are no obstacles, President Jokowi's government will announce whether PPKM Level 4 will end or be continued. For market traders, the decision to continue or not PPKM is the full authority of the government. They will support the decisions taken by the government.
It's because he said that Ngadiran, Chairman of the Market Traders Association, believes in making decisions that the government cannot be careless. "I'm sure they have considerations and evaluations from the previous PPKM implementation, so that the decision to continue or not, I think, has been with careful consideration," he told VOI who contacted him via Zoom interview, Monday 9 August.

Currently, said Ngadiran, the situation is indeed difficult, but this situation must be a concern for all. Many of its members have gone out of business because their sales have decreased. Therefore he hopes that the situation will improve and be conducive.
He asked his members who are scattered in all corners of Indonesia to obey the rules that have been implemented by the government. And last but not least is vaccination. "This vaccination is very important for us who work in markets. Besides that, of course, health protocols must be an obligation that cannot be postponed. It must be implemented so that we can reduce the transmission of COVID-19," he said.
One more thing he brought up was the issue of policing that was often carried out by the Satpol PP and other officers. "We hope that our officers will not take repressive actions and impose fines. If you want to impose fines, they must be fair, not favoritism. The officers can do better in their duties," he asked.

The trend is the decline in COVID-19 cases, but still don't be careless with this situation. "This is our shared responsibility. It's not just President Jokowi and his staff. Let's all go to market traders to participate in the success of this COVID-19 eradication. Guess all who lose and if things don't change," said Ngadiran.
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