JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, emphasized that the government always listens and accommodates every criticism, suggestion and input from the public, especially regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mahfud said this in a virtual dialogue with the Minister of Religion, BNPB with religious scholars, caregivers of Islamic boarding schools, leaders of interfaith community organizations and Forkopimda throughout Banten Province, Saturday. "We are meeting today to accommodate aspirations, to formulate policies. I want to hear a lot, unless later there is something I need to respond to," Mahfud said in a press release as reported by Antara.

Mahfud emphasized that the government has never banned criticism, but what is prohibited is criminal acts. "Please give suggestions, please submit criticisms. But remember that criticism is not criminal," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

According to Mahfud, every policy issued by the government has a foothold, including the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In taking policy steps, continued Mahfud, the government always involves several parties, including figures, universities and medical experts. "Before deciding on a policy. Everything is based on public input," he said.

Regarding increasing discipline and law enforcement during this pandemic, Mahfud explained that the government faces two challenges, namely the real world and the virtual world. Violations in the real world, Mahfud gave an example, such as people deliberately seizing bodies, people not wanting to follow the COVID-19 health protocol and deliberately crowding.

"Everything has a crime, but we agree that in the field of polhukam the imposition of criminal law is an ultimum remedium, which is the last action after persuasive and administrative steps have been taken," said Mahfud.

Furthermore, the cyber challenge faced by the government in enforcing discipline during the pandemic is in the form of hoaxes or false information. For that, according to Mahfud, here the role of religious leaders is needed so that a calm atmosphere occurs in the community.

"The hoax data from January 23 to August 6, 2021 totaled 1837 hoaxes. Of 1837, 284 were related to vaccines, that vaccines are dangerous and of various kinds," Mahfud said while explaining all the hoaxes spread from various social media platforms.

Mahfud MD's explanation, especially the handling of COVID-19, was welcomed by religious leaders who were present on this occasion. From representatives of PGI and MUI offering counter-narratives, PWNU instructs the management to the branch level to participate in helping the government, and from PW Muhammadiyah will continue to provide constructive views.

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