JAKARTA - New car sales in Britain fell 29.5 percent to their lowest level in July since 1998, Reuters reported on Friday, August 6. Reported by Antara, Saturday, August 7, the collapse in new car sales in Queen Elizabeth's country was due to the pandemic that limited people's mobility and constraints in the supply of raw materials. Although car dealers in the UK remained open after the lockdown in July 2020, there was a lack of supply of semiconductor chip components. also affect the production of cars and their sales.

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) revealed that in July there were 123,296 new car registrations. That forced them to revise their full-year sales target to 1.82 million cars. "The next few weeks we'll see changes to public restraint policies that are expected to help companies across the industry deal with labor constraints. But semiconductor shortages will remain a problem. problem until the end of the rest of the year," said Mike Hawes, SMMT Chief Executive.

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