JAKARTA - Former General Treasurer of the Democratic Party Muhammad Nazaruddin is conditional free from the Sukamiskin Class I Prison, Bandung. Even so, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was asked to continue investigating cases that could ensnare convicts in the two corruption cases.

Criminal Law Expert from Al-Azhar University Indonesia Suparji Ahmad assessed that the KPK should open up a number of allegations of corruption cases against Nazaruddin. Especially, regarding a corruption case involving his company, Permai Group.

"All must be opened if he has other cases, including the existence of his company. Because until now the company is still operating and the case is not only in Jakarta," said Suparji when contacted by VOI by telephone, Tuesday, June 16.

He also considered that this parole must be followed with caution. Do not let the freedom given by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights instead be used by Nazaruddin to resume his actions.

"Do not let this freedom give flexibility to those concerned (Nazaruddin), to play projects. Due to the fact, he often plays projects because he has a company," he said.

Regarding the provision of parole, Suparji assessed that based on Permenkumham, Nazaruddin did have the right to get it. "The leave is still part of the training before the person is free," he explained.

However, according to Suparji, this parole should be based on sociological considerations. Including, remembering how when Nazaruddin escaped from the pursuit of the KPK abroad.

"This means that he is not cooperative, yes. Then, he tends to look for people's mistakes which eventually lead to legal injustice," he said.

"There were a lot of people who were dragged by him. It was all in a certain perspective considered good but then it could be said to be part of revenge," he added.

Trisakti University legal expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar said that it was okay when Nazaruddin got the right to leave before being released. Because, it is the right of prisoners which is regulated under PP 32/1999 concerning Procedures for Implementing the Rights of Correctional Assistants (prisoners).

However, there are several things that must be fulfilled by Nazaruddin, such as this leave is given to prisoners who have served 2/3 of their prison term, a maximum of six months of leave.

"However, based on the amendment to PP 99/2012 for those who are convicts of certain crimes, including corruption, if they want parole and leave granted, they must meet the requirements as a justice collaborator," said Fickar.

The former high-ranking Democrat, he said, must cooperate with law enforcers to uncover corruption cases, return state losses, and obtain recommendations from the agency handling the case, namely the KPK.

"If Nazaruddin has met the requirements, then he has the right to get leave before being released," he said.

It is known that Nazaruddin left the Class I Sukamiskin Prison on Sunday, June 14. This leave is given until the completion of the detention period on August 13.

"On Sunday, June 14, 2020, at 07.45 WIB a WBP (Correctional Assisted Citizen) was issued on behalf of M. Nazaruddin to carry out Leaving Towards Free," said Head of the Regional Office of West Java Kemkumham, Abdul Aris in his statement, Tuesday, June 16.

As for the basis for removing Nazaruddin from prison because he has obtained the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PAS-738.PK.01.04.06 Year 2020 dated June 10, 2020 concerning Leaving Towards Free.

Flashback to Nazaruddin's legal case

Nazaruddin was convicted in two corruption cases. First, he was involved in the case for the construction of the Athlete's House in 2011. After being declared a suspect, he was a fugitive and ran abroad.

His escape ended in Cartagena, Colombia. Furthermore, by the Jakarta Corruption Court, he was later sentenced to four years and 10 months in prison and a fine of Rp200 million.

In this case, Nazar was proven proven guilty of accepting a bribe of IDR 4.6 billion from the Marketing Manager of PT Duta Graha Indah Mohammad El Idris through Permai Group employees, Yulianis and Oktarina Fury. He is considered to have played a part in winning a project of Rp.191 billion in the Ministry of Youth and Sports for PT Duta Graha Indah.

Nazar appealed. However, the Supreme Court actually increased Nazaruddin's sentence to 7 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million.

Meanwhile, in another case, this Democrat Party politician was found guilty of receiving gratuities from PT Duta Graha Indah and Nindya Karya for education and health projects. The amount of gratuity he received reached Rp. 40.37 billion.

At that time, Nazar served as a member of Commission I DPR RI, controller of the Anugerah Group which previously had the name Permai Group, and General Treasurer of the Democratic Party.

He was also found guilty of laundering money through the purchase of shares. As a result of his actions, Nazaruddin was later sentenced to six years in prison. So that the total prison sentence that must be passed is 13 years.

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