JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the government's strategy for handling the pandemic to date was appropriate. This was said by Moeldoko after the surge in COVID-19 cases began to decline.

"We are very optimistic that the government has the right strategy in handling COVID-19," said Moeldoko after visiting the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran COVID-19 Hospital, Central Jakarta, Friday, August 6.

Moeldoko said the government had responded quickly to a spike in cases since late June. When the increase in cases occurred, the ICU room was full and many COVID-19 patients were queuing in the hospital halls to get treatment rooms.

According to him, President Joko Widodo immediately ordered the PUPR Ministry to build ICU rooms in a number of areas, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Lampung, and several areas outside Java.

"Referring to past experience, many patients have to queue at the ICU, the Minister of PUPR was ordered by the President to immediately (prepare the ICU). outside Java," he said.

Then, when there was a shortage of medicine, President Jokowi immediately ordered the Minister of Health to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to supply medicines needed by the community.

"In fact, yesterday the president received information that there were complaints about transportation for logistical support to move (drugs) from several countries because of logistical transportation difficulties," said Moeldoko.

"The president immediately ordered the TNI Commander to prepare a Hercules plane to be able to connect all of them so that there are no obstacles," he added.

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