JAKARTA - The District Attorney's Office of Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra has handed over a case file of alleged corruption in disaster management work in the local district in 2016.

However, what is given is only a file. This is because the suspect with the initials S is still a fugitive and is on the wanted list (DPO).

"Currently, the defendant with the initials S is still a fugitive and is on the DPO until the trial of the accused will be conducted in absentia", said the Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Pasaman District Attorney's Office, Erik Eriyadi when contacted by telephone, reported by Antara, Friday, August 6.

The delegation of the corruption case with the case delegation letter-number B11/L.3.18/Ft.1/11/2019 at the Padang District Court.

He explained that the trial in absentia was a trial case without the presence of the accused, and the first time in West Sumatra.

His party has also summoned the defendant three times and announced it through the mass media, but still failed to comply with the summons of the Pasaman District Attorney's investigator.

The defendant was a partner in the disaster management work in the Pasaman Regency area in 2016. The total loss for the crime of corruption reached approximately IDR 700 million.


S (47) is located in Lamglumpang Village, Salihin Street, Ulee Kareng District, Banda Aceh City, Aceh Province. Previously worked as Branch Head of PT. Muda Mandiri Sejahtera Lubuk Attitude Branch or as a contractor.

He emphasized that with the delegation of the case to the Padang District Court, the next process was to wait for the determination of the trial day by the Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court.

Previously, Wednesday, April 14 at 11.15 WIB, the Pasaman Kejari investigator team Alamsyah Budin accompanied by the intelligence team of the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (Kasi C Intel) and his friends, the Special Prosecutor's Office of Aceh Dahrian carried out the confiscation of the assets of suspect S in the form of land and buildings located in Kampung Lamglumpang, Aceh, witnessed by Acting Keuchik Lamglumpang, Herry Munady, Head of Lorong Shalihin, Said Heron, and attended by former Keuchik Lamglumpang, T Munawar.

"That the assets were confiscated from Z's wife with the initials M, whose address is Cot Bada Village, Jeumpa District, Bireun Regency, Aceh Province because Zulkifli passed away in 2014", he said.

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