JAKARTA - The government's spokesman for handling COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained the progress of a temporary case. Based on the data, the addition of positive cases was 1,106, bringing the total to 40,400 people.

The addition of the number of positive cases was based on the results of examining 17,052 specimens. Thus, the total number of specimens that have been examined since the first case of COVID-19 reached 540,115 specimens.

The specimen examination was carried out until 12.00 WIB using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method, Rapid Melocular Test (TCM) and networking laboratories (RT-PCR and TCM).

"Today we examined 17,052 specimens, so the total we examined was 540,115 specimens. This number gives the results for today as many as 1,106 positive cases so that the accumulation is 40,400 people," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 16.

In addition, there are also additional cases of recovery. A total of 580 patients were declared cured with an accumulative total of 15,703 people.

Then, for cases of death increased by 33 people. That way, since the first case of COVID-19, 2,231 people have been declared dead. Meanwhile, the people in monitoring who are still being monitored are 29,124 ODP, and the PDP is 13,510 people. So far, 431 districts or cities have been affected in 34 provinces.

New all record system

In collecting data that is spread across various regions, said Yuri, the Task Force uses the New All Record system. By using this system, all data originating from the hospital handling COVID-19 patients will reach the top level.

"We collect from the task force at the city and district level to the provincial and national levels, as well as from hospitals that treat people with COVID-19. All of them are reported in a system which we call the New All record for laboratory data or via rs-online to collect data from various hospitals, "said Yuri.

Later, the data from the system will be analyzed by the Central Task Force and sort it into several groups. So, it can be determined whether to give a registration mark to be traced in relation to the history of contact with other people.

That way, you can easily take the next step for prosecution and reporting to the world health organization or WHO.

"Is this a new case which then we have to give a registration number as a contact tracing registration which of course we will report to WHO, or is it a follow-up of the patient we have treated to determine the last antigen condition if the result is negative and the clinical result is good, then, we will declare cured, "said Yuri.

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