JAKARTA – The action of Dinar Candy, which is threatened with pornography, reaps the pros and cons. Several people think that Dinar Candy is committed by her words, that she will wear a bikini on the streets if PPKM (Restrictions on Community Activities) Level 4 is extended. Meanwhile, the contra considered that Dinar Candy had violated the law.

Psychologist A. Kasandra Putranto has not been able to assess further Dinar Candy's psychological condition, because she must carry out a complete examination.

"The person concerned (Dinar Candy, ed) needs to be examined with forensic psychology parameters to determine the motive, potential underlying psychological disorders, level of self-awareness when carrying out these actions, as well as awareness of violations of applicable criminal law, especially related to regulations related to pandemics, restrictions on community activities, public order and community normative values, including the extent to which the person concerned has remorse for the action", Kasandra explained when contacted by VOI, Thursday, August 5.

In her post, Dinar Candy admitted that she was stressed facing the extended PPKM Level 4. Listening to this expression, Kasandra said that in the face of the second wave of a prolonged pandemic, everyone also experienced the same thing.

"Everyone has been affected by the pandemic, some have lost their jobs, some have lost their income, some have even lost their loved ones and loved ones", Kasandra said.

Talking about freedom of expression on social media, Kasandra explained that basically everyone has the right to express themselves.

"Everyone has the right to express themselves, but in every person's right, of course there is also an obligation to respect others, and respect local culture, and is limited by the rights of others to obtain peace and order", she concluded.

Kasandra assessed that what Dinar Candy did could be a form of commitment to what she had said.

"If the person concerned (Dinar Candy) once boasted, if PPKM is extended, she promises to wear a bikini, at least he tries to be consistent with her words, but has the potential to ignore legal values and social norms of society, as well as the impact on themselves and others", she concluded.

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