JAKARTA - The National COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) offers a floating isolation place as a solution for self-isolation for OTG patients and mild symptoms in Padang City, to anticipate the increase in positive cases in the area.

"Floating isolation places are one of the assistances that can be provided through the Ministry of Transportation. This can help increase regional capacity in terms of providing self-isolation places for COVID-19 patients," said BNPB Emergency Resources Support Director Rustian during a visit to West Sumatra, reported by Antara, Thursday, August 5 evening.

He asked the West Sumatra and Padang City COVID-19 Handling Task Force to calculate how much the region's ability to provide isolation places for residents exposed to COVID-19 with mild symptoms or OTG.

According to him, in the floating isolation place, there are also supporting clinics available so that they can provide emergency treatment if the patient's condition suddenly worsens.

In addition, BNPB and the National COVID-19 Task Force will also strengthen the capabilities of the regional COVID-19 task force in terms of handling upstream, such as implementing health protocols by providing masks and hand sanitizer.

"We will also strengthen the regional COVID-19 task force in terms of increasing testing, tracing and treatment," he said.

Rustian said all parties must work hand in hand to anticipate the increase in positive cases of COVID-19. Each region in Indonesia has its own strengths and weaknesses, therefore the national COVID-19 Handling Task Force will seek to strengthen the sides that are still weak. West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi said his party will immediately coordinate the need for an independent isolation place with the City of Padang, related to the assistance of floating isolation sites offered by BNPB.

He said that West Sumatra had a concept of providing self-isolation places to the nagari/village level through the Nagari Tageh Program. However, with the increase in positive cases due to the increasingly massive tracing and testing, additional isolation sites will be urgently needed.

He also asked the West Sumatra COVID-19 Task Force to immediately prepare data needs to be proposed to BNPB and the National COVID-19 Task Force in order to strengthen the region's ability to handle the pandemic.

"Additional hospital rooms, supporting equipment and a shortage of health workers must also be reported so that the BNPB or the central COVID-19 Task Force can assist our needs in West Sumatra," he said.

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