JAKARTA - The tears of the parents of (the late) Trio Fauqi Firdaus continued to fall on the grave of their late third son on Jalan Buaran III, East Jakarta. He seemed not willing to let his child go so soon after the vaccination.

Zakiah, the parent of (the late) Trio asked the government to provide honest clarity regarding the death of her child who died after being injected with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on Wednesday, May 5.

"I want the government to be honest. There is an honest explanation about my child's death. I ask the government to take responsibility for admitting my child's death, because the vaccine is the only thing, nothing else exists," he told VOI with tears in his eyes, Thursday 5 August.

According to Zakiah, a statement of honesty from the government is eagerly awaited by the family. Zakiah said her son died after being injected with the vaccine. Even he was disappointed when he learned that the autopsy results did not find any comorbidities.

"There is no disease that causes my child's death here. But the National Commission for the National Commission of KIPI or the surgeons do not admit that my child died from being vaccinated," he said.

The statement of autopsy results received by the victim's family has not been fully accepted with grace. Zakiah still feels pain over her son's departure after participating in government vaccinations.

"This is very painful, sir, because it is floating. I ask the government to be responsible for the death of my child," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the National Commission for Post-Immunization Adverse Events (Komnas KIPI) concluded that there was insufficient evidence to link the cause of death of Trio Fauqi Firdaus to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

"The results of the autopsy on Trio Fauqi's body were carried out by the Forensic Department of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM)," said Komnas KIPI chairman Hindra Irawan Satari in a written statement yesterday.

Hindra said the autopsy was carried out carefully, so it took quite a long time and the results came out. In addition, autopsies are performed by a team of professional and independent doctors.

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