SOLO - Central Java Governor, Ganjar Pranowo, said the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) or hospital occupancy rate in the area was improving but not yet good so people still had to remain vigilant.

"BOR is good, now it's going down but yesterday we 'added' a lot of beds. So don't use the BOR size as if it's good. My term is one, Central Java has improved but not yet good", said Ganjar Pranowo when reviewing vaccination activities for students at SMAN 3 Surakarta School quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

Therefore, he said, the government needs support from the community so that it can continue to limit activities for the time being.

"If we can get support, everyone can restrain themselves, we speed up vaccinations, then everything will return to good", he said.

Mentioned the readiness of the Donohudan Hajj Dormitory which will become a COVID-19 Emergency Hospital, he said, several parts still need to be adjusted.

"It's ready, yesterday the target was to start on August 1, but there are some things that must be adjusted", he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta, Cahyono Hadi, said that currently, the BOR at the hospital is starting to decline.

"Of the approximately 600 beds available at Dr. Moewardi Hospital, currently only 250 are occupied", he said.

In fact, he said, currently the tent installed in the hospital yard to be used as a patient waiting room has begun to be dismantled.

"Initially there were three tents, two of which have been dismantled. Only one is still installed, and it is not being used", he said.

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