JAKARTA - The Makassar City Police (Polrestabes), South Sulawesi, investigated and traced the actors behind the 'free fight' action without any safety equipment until it was witnessed by dozens of spectators whose videos went viral on social media. Makassar Fighter viral, or other accounts," said Makassar Police Criminal Investigation Unit Chief Commissioner Jamal Fathur Rakhman in Makassar, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 4. So far, the police team has collected information, including the location of the free fight as well as anyone who carried out the illegal activity and violated the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) for gathering and not wearing a mask. -the person, anyone who took part in the activity. The activity was very detrimental and had violated the rules and or committed a criminal offense under Article 184 of the Criminal Code," he explained. The police are also investigating allegations of gambling in the event, including spectators who are charged an entrance fee. to the field, including looking for account owners," he explained.

Previously, there were two videos of one-on-one fights with bare hands circulating in one place in Makassar. The fighters look young. The fight is like boxing, there is a referee who guides the match. It looks like the fighters are hitting each other, so that they slam into each other, locking up similar to how to fight in an MMA competition. It's just that without safety and mattresses, making it easier for fighters to be injured directly. There are two videos of the fight spread over a duration of 01.30 minutes. This illegal activity is allegedly organized because every prospective fighter must register through the @makassarstreet_fight account to be approved for its implementation. This account also uploads the schedule and names of the participants who will fight at night. From the information gathered, each fighter who wins is promised money from Rp. 1 million to Rp. 5 million depending on the audience's bet. For each match, the organizers sell an entrance ticket of IDR 10 per person, with the ticket collection location in front of the Mandala Monument, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman. Meanwhile, the location of the fight is suspected to be around Jalan Botoloempangan.

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