JAMBI - The Jambi City COVID-19 Task Force, Jambi Province received donations of 100 coffins for COVID-19 patients who died from A YouTuber.

"We are assisted by 100 coffins from the Jambi City entrepreneur who is also known as YouTuber Bob Bee Builder. Hopefully, these coffins won't be used, don't let these 100 coffins run out in one month", said Jambi Mayor Syarif Fasha, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

The Jambi City Government expressed its gratitude for the assistance of the 100 coffins. In the past month, there has been an increase in positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Jambi City.

The same applies to COVID-19 patients who died. In one day, on average, two to three COVID-19 patients die in Jambi City. So the need for the coffin also increased.

"We just need to add aluminum foil to this coffin for the standard of burial for COVID-19 bodies", said Syarif Fasha.

With the help of the coffin, the COVID-19 Task Force can divert the budget that should have been for the procurement of coffins to be used for another handling. Such as the procurement of PPE and other necessities in accelerating the handling of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the entrepreneur who is also a YouTuber Bob Bee Builder said that the 100 crates he gave were on humanitarian grounds.

"Many Jambi residents have been affected by COVID-19, I want to play a role in helping the handling of COVID-19", said Bob Bee Builder.

He prepared 150 coffins. A total of 100 coffins were given to the Jambi City Government and the rest were given to ten regencies and cities in Jambi Province. Each district and city received the assistance of five coffins.

In handling COVID-19, Bob Bee Builder also gave up his hotel to be used as a free isolation place. Technically, the use was handed over to the Jambi City COVID-19 Task Force.

"The government is reviewing the hotel as a place of isolation, for feasibility we will leave it to the government", said Bob Bee Builder.

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