Installation Of Puan Maharani's Billboards On The Initiative Of The DPR PDIP Faction
Speaker of the House of Representatives Puan Maharani (IST)

JAKARTA - The rise of billboards and billboards for the Chairman of the DPR who is also the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani that reads 'Flap the Wings of Diversity' and 'Keep Faith, Keep Immunity' in a number of areas was actually initiated by the PDIP faction of the DPR.

This was confirmed by a member of Commission XI of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Hendrawan Supratikno. He denied that the billboards were installed on the orders of the party.

"These are our ideas (the PDIP faction in the DPR RI), there is no order (the party, ed) really," said Hendrawan, Wednesday, August 4.

According to him, all members of the faction agreed to put up Puan Maharani's billboards because of her role as the Speaker of the DPR. This agreement, said Hendrawan, had been discussed collegially after it was approved by the PDIP DPP.

"There was already a faction meeting and then it was approved and everyone agreed, so this is a collective spontaneity by the members," he said.

Hendrawan explained, initially the proposal appeared in a discussion between members of the faction which was then submitted to the leadership of the PDIP Faction chaired by Utut Adianto.

"Then it was submitted to the Chairman of the DPP for Election Winning, Pak Bambang Wuryanto, okay, he said," said Hendrawan.

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