JAKARTA - The COVID-19 vaccination center in the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Senayan area, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta, is the largest vaccination center point in Jakarta. Along the way, this vaccination went smoothly without any problems.

However, this is not the case for Zaelani, this 26-year-old student experienced an incident of not wearing it after undergoing vaccination. Not because of the vaccine reaction in his body that made him bruised on the face, but because of the raw bombs that made Zaelani's face bruised.

Here's the story. According to Zaelani, he was a victim of abuse by security guards at the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) vaccination center in Senayan, Tanah Abang. Zaelani's face was covered in blood.

The incident began when his vaccine certificate never appeared on the care to protect application. Zaelani said he had undergone two vaccinations at the GBK vaccination center. The second vaccination was carried out on April 31 last. However, he was surprised that his second vaccination certificate never appeared in the Cares Protect application.

"My first vaccination certificate is in the application, how come the second one doesn't exist until today. Finally, I took the initiative to call hotline 119 and I was directed to where I was vaccinated, namely GBK," said Zaelani when contacted by VOI.

Based on the direction of the call center officer, Zaelani finally came to the vaccination center at Post V GBK on Friday, July 30. However, when he arrived at Post V GBK, Zaelani was forbidden by the security guard to enter the vaccination committee.

The security guard reasoned that only the vaccination participants who received the vaccine schedule that day were allowed to enter. The victim was directed by the security guard to Pos II, but apparently it was a vaccination for online motorcycle taxi drivers.

Finally, the victim was directed back to Pos V. However, he was still intercepted by two security guards guarding the entrance. Finally, there was a debate between Zaelani and the two security guards. The two security guards forbade Zaelani to enter because the area inside is reserved for scheduled vaccination participants.

"There we had an argument. Finally, the two security guards called their 5-6 friends. Chaos was there, finally the beating happened," regretted Zaelani.

Zaelani doesn't remember how many security guards beat him because the situation was chaotic. At that time, he was just trying to escape. However, the security guards chased him until he was caught. Zaelani was immediately herded to the security post.

"There I was again intimidated, told to sign a peace letter," he admitted.

A member of the Indonesian Education Legal Aid Institute (LBH), Eka Zulkarnaen, a legal assistant to the victim, said the incident occurred on Friday, July 30, last year. The victim was intimidated at the post to sign the peace letter.

"The victim complied with the request because he was under pressure," said Eka.

However, the next day or Saturday, July 31, the victim still decided to report the case to the police. Eka accompanied the victim to report this case to the Central Jakarta Metro Police with the number: LP/B/997/VII/2021/SPKT/Central Jakarta Metro Police/Polda Metro Jaya.

Head of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Wisnu Wardhana, confirmed that until now his party is still conducting examinations of a number of witnesses related to the incident.

The police have also examined the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) security guard who was reported in the alleged beating against Zaelani (26).

"Today we investigated the report," said Kompol Wisnu to VOI, Tuesday, August 3.

Wisnu stated that today his party has scheduled an examination of one security guard. However, it is possible that other security officers will also be examined later depending on the results of the investigation.

"For the time being, only one has been reported. We will check one first to see what the results of the examination are like," he added.

Previously, the police had also examined a witness who witnessed the beating incident. Then, the police have also examined Zaelani who is the reporter in this beating case.

Confirmed separately, Head of the Public Relations Division of the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Complex Management Center (GBK) Dwi Putranto admitted that there was an incident of beatings by security guards against vaccine participants at the Bung Karno Stadium (GBK) Senayan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta. However, he denied that there was a beating at the scene.

Dwi said the beating incident occurred because the security guard tried to defend himself. He said the student named Zaelani (26) tried to attack first.

"In the end, he became emotional with this visitor. He wanted to try to fight against our officers. Our officers just reflected and he was hit," said Dwi when confirmed by VOI reporters, last Monday, August 2.

In addition, Dwi denied that there was a beating because according to him the beating was only done once by one security guard. After the beating, three security guards took Zaelani to the post to solve the problem.

Although there was no beating, Dwi ensured that the security guard who had beaten him would still be processed and would be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

"There was no abuse during vaccination. At the post the security guard only asked if he wanted to continue or what. If he wanted to continue, he was brought to the police post. But at that time he preferred peace," said Dwi.

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