JAKARTA - Warganet was shocked by the upload of the Instagram account @sehatyuks.id which shared a photo containing information on the benefits of hot pineapple water produced from soaking pineapple pieces.
Mentioned, the pineapple soak has potent properties in curing various diseases. Starting from cancer cells, cysts, tumors and all germs and toxins due to allergic reactions.
"Because the hot pineapple water will change the PH of the water into alkaline water that has high antioxidants. Hot pineapple water can heal you for life," the narration in the upload said, quoted from turnbackhoaks, Tuesday, August 3.

Is this information true?
Reported from various sources, several specialist doctors give their opinion. Clinical Nutrition Specialist at Siloam Hospitals Semanggi, dr. Inge Permadhi said that the information was not true because disease and cancer cells could not be cured simply because of the consumption of pineapple or other foods.
Meanwhile, according to the Chairman of the Scientific Division of the Indonesian Nutritionist Association (Persagi), Dr. Marudut Sitompul, the efficacy of pineapple water on cancer needs more in-depth research.
Then regarding alkaline water, Dr. Marudut said the information was wrong. Pineapple has a pH of about 4 and is acidic. If the pineapple is soaked in water and fermented, the lactic acid bacteria will enter it and make it more acidic.
This pineapple soaking process may be intended to make it have a high antioxidant content such as apple cider vinegar.
Meanwhile, clinical nutritionist Luciana B. Sutanto said that the efficacy of pineapple water on cancer does not have scientific study evidence.
"Consuming pineapple fruit does not immediately lower blood pressure," said Luciana.
Pineapple itself is indeed rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and contains antioxidants so that it can prevent the entry of free radicals. However, hot water can damage the vitamin and mineral content in the fruit.
"For example, vitamin C and vitamin B because these vitamins are water-soluble," explained Luciana.
He argues, hot pineapple water that is soaked in pineapple pieces only functions like infused water which still has various ingredients such as pineapple.
From the explanations of these expert doctors, it was concluded that cancer treatment is far more complex, so it cannot be said that only hot pineapple water can treat cancer.
"Based on all references, information related to hot pineapple water being able to cure and kill cancer cells is wrong information or falls into the wrong content category," said the turnbackhoaks.
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