MANOKWARI - The Indonesian Army provides oxygen cylinders and other medical equipment for the people of West Papua through the XVIII/Kasuari Military Command.

The assistance is a form of concern for the TNI Commander, Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, to the people of West Papua. The assistance was received directly by the Military Commander XVIII/Kasuari, Major General TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa with Deputy Governor Mohamad Lakotani and Kapolda Inspector General Tornagogo Sihombing at Manokwari Rendani Airport, Tuesday, August 3.

The assistance was in the form of 50 oxygen cylinders, 50 oxygen concentrators, 150,000 medical masks, 1,000 PPE, 1000 medical gloves, 20,000 antigen test kits, and 3 boxes of O2 Regulators transported using a Boeing 737 AI-7304 TNI Air Force.

The Military Commander said the medical equipment assistance was handed over directly to the West Papua Provincial Government.

"Hopefully this is useful and we are grateful for this assistance so that it can suppress the spread of the COVID-19 virus and can reduce the death rate of people in West Papua Province due to Covid-19," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor expressed his gratitude and respect to the TNI Commander for his concern and sincere intention to provide assistance to the people and the Government of West Papua in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Deputy Governor said that one of the causes of the high death rate was the lack of oxygen cylinders in several places. Therefore, the TNI Commander provided the assistance.

"With this, of course, we hope that the death rate can be suppressed. Of course, this assistance is not only for Manokwari but we will also distribute it to other regencies, technically it will be handled by the Health Service," said the Deputy Governor.

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