PALANGKA RAYA - Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran pulled the emergency brake to control COVID-19 cases because the number of cases was still very high.

Sugianto said Central Kalimantan is currently in the second wave of the pandemic and to reduce further transmission, it is necessary to take steps that are unusual and may not be popular with the public.

"The provincial government must pull the emergency brake to control the transmission of COVID-19," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

This step is taken solely for the safety of the public and to prevent the number of unnecessary deaths from COVID-19.

"The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government will implement PPKM levels 3 and 4 in several city districts, especially Palangka Raya," he said.

In this regard, he has signed an Instruction Letter from the Governor of Central Kalimantan

Number 180.17/163/2021 dated August 2, 2021 concerning the Implementation of Level 4 and Level 3 Community Activity Restrictions, as well as optimizing the COVID-19 handling posts at the village and sub-district levels in the Central Kalimantan region.

PPKM level 4 was specifically applied to Palangka Raya City based on the consideration of existing indicators, but he asked districts with poor indicators such as high case growth rates and high mortality rates, to also apply PPKM level 4.

Other regions that also have the potential to implement PPKM level 4, such as West Kotawaringin Regency, to East Kotawaringin, can be seen from various indicators.

After PPKM level 4 in Palangka Raya is implemented, his party also plans to review a number of areas related to the policy.

The governor appealed to all stakeholders, especially the regents/mayors to carry out these instructions as well as possible and report their implementation to himself as the head of the provincial COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

Regents and mayors throughout Central Kalimantan are also asked to carry out 3T strengthening, namely testing, tracing, treatment, and reporting the results as they are, in accordance with the facts on the ground.

Previously, Sugianto apologized to all people affected by this policy.

"This step, although bitter, must be taken because it is the most appropriate drug to control the transmission of COVID-19," he said.

The Chief Executive of the Central Kalimantan COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Erlin Hardi, added that the PPKM was carried out for fourteen days.

According to him, considering the existing conditions, especially for Palangka Raya, maximum handling is needed regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Therefore, the governor wants Palangka Raya to increase to level 4 so that the handling can be maximized," he said.

He explained that considering the current developments, including the death rate which is quite high, so extra steps are needed, not just the usual steps.

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