SURABAYA - The implementation of PPKM level 4 also has an impact on weddings. In East Java, as many as 1,665 brides and grooms were forced to cancel their weddings due to the cancellation of their marriage in July.

"Since the period of July 3-25, 2021, there have been around 1,665 prospective brides and grooms getting married. They finally changed their schedule to get married," said Acting Head of Regional Office of the East Java Ministry of Religion, M. Nurul Huda, confirmed, Tuesday, August 3.

Huda estimates that data on marriage cancellations in East Java will continue to grow, along with the extension of the implementation of PPKM Level 4 on August 2-9, 2021. "The data for the PPKM Level 4 period has not yet been received by us," he said.

There are several factors that cause marriage annulment. Among other things, because one of the bridal couples was exposed to Covid-19, then the bride and groom deliberately changed the wedding ceremony after the restriction policy was lifted by the government.

"Most of them cancel their marriages because they change their schedule because they want to get married outside the PPKM period," he said.

Not to forget, Huda reminded those who are getting married in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to pay attention to the rules. Such as the discipline of health protocols (prokes) according to 5M, and restrictions on the marriage contract procession to a maximum of eight people.

"We urge the public to discipline the process with 5M, when carrying out the wedding procession," he said.

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