JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police confirmed that the issue of Rp 2 trillion in aid for handling COVID-19 from the son of the late Akidi Tio would still be handled by the South Sumatra Police.
The statement was in response to pressure from Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) who asked the Criminal Investigation Police to withdraw the handling of the case.
"The handling is left to the South Sumatra Police for handling," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Tuesday, August 3.
In addition, said Argo, for the time being the National Police Headquarters will not intervene in the investigation conducted by the South Sumatra Police. Because the process is done according to the rules.
"For the time being at the South Sumatra Police," Argo said briefly.
Previously, the Acting Chairman of IPW Sugeng Teguh Santoso urged the Criminal Investigation Agency to withdraw the handling of the issue. In fact, he asked the South Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General Eko Indra Heri to be questioned.
"Bareskrim Polri must take over the case of donations of IDR 2 trillion for Akidi Tio's family and examine the Kapolda Inspector General Eko Indra Heri," said Sugeng.
The reason, this issue has caused a commotion. Moreover, Inspector General Eko Indra Heri's careless actions have embarrassed the image of the National Police.
"Creating a commotion in the country and embarrassing the police institution. Therefore, in handling the donation case, IPW urges the National Police Chief General Sigit Lystyo to disable the South Sumatra Police Chief," said Sugeng
"Because the South Sumatra Police Chief is unprofessional, not careful, not observant. The police chief should have taken legal certainty that Akidi Tio's funds were there before holding a press conference," he continued. IDR 2 trillion for handling COVID-19.
This assistance was provided by the family of the late Akidi Tio, a successful businessman from Langsa City, East Aceh Regency through their family doctor in Palembang, Prof dr Hardi Darmawan.
The distribution of aid funds was also handed over to the South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Eko Indra Heri and witnessed by South Sumatra Governor H Herman Deru, South Sumatra Health Service Head Lesty Nuraini and 044/Gapo Danrem, Brigadier General Jauhari Agus Suraji.
However, until now the money has not been given. It is even suspected that Heryanti was just lying about the Rp2 trillion money.
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