JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) still receives many complaints from the public regarding the distribution of social assistance (bansos). Through the JAGA Bansos surveillance application, the KPK has received 303 complaints about the distribution of social assistance to this day.

Acting KPK spokesman for Prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding said the most people complained about was not receiving social assistance even though they had registered. The total number of people who reported this complaint reached 134 people.

In addition, there are other types of complaints that are reported by the public. To be clearer, there were 32 reports about the amount of funds received that were less than what they should have been, then 28 reports related to assistance were not distributed by the authorities to aid recipients.

Then, there were 14 names on the aid list that were not available (fictitious recipients), 4 reports of receiving more than one assistance, 3 reports of aid received of poor quality, 2 reports that stated they should not receive assistance but received assistance, and 86 other reports with various topics.

"The complaint is addressed to 130 regional governments consisting of 9 provincial governments and 121 regency / city governments in 27 provinces, 2 ministries and 1 community," Maryati told reporters, Saturday, June 13.

The provinces that received the most complaints were West Java with a total of 74 complaints, East Java with a total of 48 complaints, in 15 local governments and Central Java receiving 32 complaints.

Meanwhile, the city or regency that received the most complaints were the Surabaya City Government with 10 complaints, the Indramayu Regency Government with 9 complaints, the South Lampung Regency Government with 8 complaints, and the Sukabumi Regency Government and the East Java Provincial Government with 7 complaints each.

From all complaints that have been submitted, 20 complaints have been followed up by the local government. A total of 115 complaints with the status of 'forwarded' are still awaiting a response from the regional government.

A total of 118 complaints with the status of 'confirmed' related to the information that must be completed by the complainant. Then, 20 complaints with the status of 'received' are still in the verification process. The remaining 30 other complaints were 'deleted' because they were deleted by the reporter or multiple reports.

Maryati said that the KPK was aware of the chaos in the distribution of social assistance because data on aid recipients still needed updating.

"In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) needs to be expanded by verifying and validating it to the smallest work unit in the community, namely RT and RW," he said.

Therefore, continued Maryati, the KPK assessed that local governments need to evaluate the criteria for affected people who are determined to be aid recipients.

In several areas, the KPK found the criteria were too broad. As a result, when matching with DTKS and Population Identification Number (NIK), people who do not meet the criteria affected by COVID-19 are included in the list.

Maryati continued, the government must also be transparent in distributing social assistance to the community. This is done by announcing a list of beneficiaries. Local governments need to socialize and build understanding to the community regarding the criteria for beneficiaries, the types of social assistance provided and the distribution time for each aid.

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