YOGYAKARTA - The distribution of food aid in the form of five kilograms of rice for vulnerable residents in Yogyakarta City who have not received any social assistance from the government is carried out in conjunction with the COVID-19 vaccination. In this way, efforts to accelerate the realization of communal immunity are expected to be achieved soon.

“Today there happened to be two activities that were combined, namely the distribution of rice aid and the COVID-19 vaccination. Beneficiary families (KPM) who have not been vaccinated can get the vaccine here as well as take rice assistance," said Yogyakarta Mayor Haryadi Suyuti when reviewing vaccination and distribution of rice aid at XT-Square Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 2.

He explained that the City of Yogyakarta will continue to intensify its COVID-19 vaccination activities in August to achieve the target of 70-75% of residents having been vaccinated on August 17 and all residents in the city have been vaccinated by the end of August.

The total population of Yogyakarta City who were targeted for vaccination was 352,599 people aged over 12 years and up to now as many as 107,119 residents have received complete doses of vaccination.

“Vaccination is the best effort at this time to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we are trying as aggressively as possible to continue to intensify vaccinations," he said.

Head of Yogyakarta City Manpower and Transmigration Social Service Maryustion Tonang said there were 6,000 vulnerable residents in Yogyakarta City who would receive five kilograms of rice assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Recipients are vulnerable citizens who have not received any assistance from the government, either from the Family Hope Program (PKH), cash social assistance, or from basic food cards.

The distribution of aid will begin this Monday in every sub-district for residents or recipients who have been vaccinated, while recipients who have not been vaccinated can take rice assistance at the XT-Square.

Of the 6,000 recipients, 2,425 recipients have received vaccinations and the rest have not been vaccinated.

“In XT-Square, recipients also receive facilitation for vaccination. So, it can accelerate the Jogja Merdeka Vaccine movement," he said.

On Monday, the distribution of rice aid in XT-Square was aimed at 501 recipients from Umbulharjo District. Activities are planned to continue until Thursday, August 5 for recipients from other sub-districts who have not been vaccinated.

“This is the first time this five kilograms of rice aid has been given. Whether it will be continued or not, of course we will follow the provisions from the center," he said.

Previously, various social assistance had also been distributed from the government to beneficiaries, such as cash social assistance for the May-June 2021 period plus 10 kilograms of rice assistance for each recipient. The distribution of the aid was absorbed by about 94 percent.

"The distribution of PKH assistance is also carried out," he said.

For social assistance allocated through the Yogyakarta City Budget, Maryustion said that the distribution had not yet been carried out because administrative scrutiny was still being carried out so that there would be no double recipients with other aid programs.

“The data is always moving. We strongly avoid duplicate data," he said.

He said the total social assistance allocated from the Yogyakarta City Budget was IDR 1.2 million for each recipient.

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