JAKARTA - The company Facebook Inc fired an employee, Brandon Dail, for criticizing the policies taken by Mark Zuckerberg about President Donald Trump's posts some time ago.

Quoting Reuters, Brandon Dail, who is one of Facebook's user interface engineers, said he was fired via his Twitter account. Dail wrote down his reason for being fired because he scolded colleagues who rejected the Black Lives Matter movement.

Black Lives Matter is an action movement to achieve equality in the US that is based on the death of George Floyd two weeks ago.

Apart from Dail, six other people were also fired by Facebook.

The news was confirmed by Facebook, without providing additional information. Meanwhile, Dail did not respond when asked for an explanation.

Some time ago, Trump posted a number of statements on his social media regarding demonstrations against racism and police brutality that occurred after the murder of George Floyd, May 25.

Twitter puts a warning label on Trump's posts. Meanwhile, Facebook chose to let it be. It was this Facebook attitude that Dail challenged.

Dail also objected to Facebook and Twitter refusing to take action against Trump's post containing baseless conspiracy theories about Martin Gugino. Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old demonstrator who was seriously injured by police in Buffalo, New York.

"Trump's remarks about Martin Gugino are derogatory, and clearly a violation of Facebook's anti-harassment rules. Again it is very disappointing that Facebook has not removed it," he said.

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