JAKARTA - A total of 3,606 beneficiary families (PKM) of South Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi received rice assistance from the local government regarding the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

The distribution of rice aid to residents in Sampolawa and Lapandewa sub-districts was received at their respective village/kelurahan offices while still implementing strict health protocols.

In Sampolawa District, the number of recipients is 2,500 KPM spread across 16 villages/kelurahan, namely Bahari Village 113 KPM, Bahari II 95, Bahari III 162, Bangun 150, Gerak Makmur 183, Gunung Sejuk 151, Hendea 162, Jayabakti 253, Katilombu 209 , Lipumangau 111, Clothing and Food 218, Tira 199, Todombulu 134, Watiginanda 91, Wawoangi 169, and Windu Makmur 100 KPM.

While in Lapandewa District, the number of recipients was 1,106 KPM spread over 7 villages, namely Burangasi Village 195 KPM, Burangasi Rumbia 185, Gayabaru 146, Lapandewa 170, Lapandewa Jaya 105, Lapandewa Kaindea 201, and Lapandewa Makmur 104 KPM.

South Buton Regent La Ode Arusani said the assistance distributed was expected to help ease the burden on the community, especially during the current pandemic.

"Don't look at the number, this is a form of government attention and hopefully it can be useful for all recipients. Each KPM receives 10 kg of rice," he said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 1.

The Regent of Arusani also left a message to the entire community to always pray, especially on Friday nights for the safety of the South Buton country and to avoid COVID-19.

Previously, the distribution of rice aid was distributed in Batauga District with a total of 1,786 KPM.

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