JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed all Regional Police Chiefs to accelerate vaccination. It is targeted that mass vaccination has reached 70 percent on Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17.

"We held a video conference with the Police Chief on August 17, God willing, we will be assisted by the cooperation of the local government, the TNI, and all volunteers will be able to achieve the 70 percent target for joint vaccines," said General Sigit at Metro Jaya Police, Sunday, August 1st.

To achieve that target, Sigit continued, a good strategy is needed. One of them is by making new breakthroughs such as the Merdeka Vaccination program carried out by the Metro Jaya Police.

"There needs to be a good organization and then a good strategy. After it was explained, we then became clear that this target could be achieved," said the National Police Chief.

With more and more programs being carried out in each region, the target is not impossible. Thus, the formation of herd immunity was immediately achieved.

"So that this activity in an effort to accelerate, create herd immunity, can really be carried out in all regions," said General Sigit.

For information, the Merdeka Vaccine is a Metro Jaya Police program in August 2021. The purpose of this program is to accelerate the formation of herd immunity.

Merdeka Vaccine also involves medical volunteers. They consist of general practitioners, dentists, nurses, and midwives who have received special training.

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