GORONTALO - The Gorontalo City Government will immediately implement Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"Indeed, for the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 26/2021 that PPKM in Gorontalo City is level 3. However, until now new cases of COVID-19 in the city have reached 37.13 people per 100 thousand inhabitants. Likewise, deaths have increased sharply, the average there are 7 people per week," said Head of the Gorontalo Provincial Health Office, Yana Yanti Suleman, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 30.

According to him, an increase to level 4 should be watched out for regarding the spread of COVID-19 by all parties.

The highest indicator is the condition of hospitalization at level 4, which is 37.4 people per 100 thousand population.

This means that there are 74 people being treated per week, if the total population of the city is 200 thousand people.

Meanwhile, the hospital occupancy rate or Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) in Gorontalo City is already at an alarming rate.

At the Aloei Sobe Hospital, out of a total of 118 beds, 102 units have been filled.

"It is the same at the Otanaha hospital. Of the total 37 beds, 27 have been filled or 79.4 percent. It is important for us to activate plan B, for the addition of a new building specifically for handling COVID-19," he said.

Gorontalo Mayor Marten Taha assessed that his apparatus had carried out preventive measures.

He revealed, since the beginning of this week his party has taken steps to create a post in the market.

"In the market there is already a post, apart from socializing masks, we also use it for vaccinations. The places to eat are still open, but they don't serve food on the spot," he said.

The mayor invited all parties to come down together to monitor.

According to him, the crowd and handling of health protocols in Gorontalo City have been controlled.

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