MATARAM - Dozens of traders' representatives at Ampenan Beach, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province raised white flags as a sign of surrendering to face economic conditions during the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM).

"Help us, look at us, listen to our screams, and help us deal with economic conditions during PPKM," said Ampenan Beach Merchant Chairman Indari during a speech at Ampenan Beach, Mataram City, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 30.

They have done what the government has directed, namely obeying the COVID-19 health protocols (prokes). However, with this PKKM policy, visitors to the Ampenan Beach tourist attraction can no longer be expected.

"Indeed, there is a PKKM adjustment policy, but until now the conditions are still quiet and one trader who usually gets a turnover of up to Rp. 500 thousand, now only gets Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 10 thousand. Some even don't have one," he said.

In this regard, Indari, representing 103 Ampenan Beach traders, hopes that the government can pay attention by providing basic food assistance as has been given to other residents.

"We saw that there were so many people who received rice and basic food packages on the streets, but there has never been one for us here," he said.

In addition, traders also ask the government to facilitate so that traders are given a delay in paying debt bills to a number of finance and cooperatives or banks.

"So we hope that there is a black and white government policy regarding delaying installment payments that can be evidence so that we don't get chased by them again," he said.

In response to this, the Ampenan sub-district head, Muzakkir Walad, confirmed that he would accommodate the demands of traders and coordinate with the relevant regional apparatus organizations (OPD).

For example, for assistance, data collection will be carried out in advance so that assistance can be as needed and by name by address.

"As for the postponement of the debt bill, it will be coordinated with the Mataram City Cooperative, Industry and UKM Office. In principle, we pay attention to what the merchants demand," he said.

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