JAKARTA - Israel officially launched a campaign to give the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine or booster dose to people over the age of 60 who have received the vaccine for more than five months, this Friday.

The first injection of the third dose was administered at Maccabi Health Service in Ramat Hasharon, Clalit Health Service in Netanya and at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, where President Isaac Herzog received the injection.

"Here at one of the world's leading medical centers, one of the top 10 medical centers in the world, the Sheba hospital, we begin the third dose of vaccination, which is critical to enabling normal living conditions, as much as possible, in this extremely challenging pandemic. that humanity is facing. This step is very important for the solidarity of the Israeli people," said President Herzog as quoted by The Jerusalem Post Friday, July 30.

Vaccination of the parents is key to keeping life as planned, with schools opening in a few weeks, and holidays starting.

"We must protect each other and take the necessary steps, ensuring we can all function as a normal and ordinary country and society," said President Herzog.

vaccine israel
Illustration of a queue for a COVID-19 vaccination in Israel. (Wikimedia Commons/ניר )

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett who accompanied President Herzog said the battle against COVID-19 was a global battle faced by all countries.

"The only way we can beat the pandemic is together. Together means sharing information. Together means sharing methods, technologies, insights and actionable steps. Israel is open to sharing all the information we can get from this bold move. and we will win, but together," said PM Bennett.

"Starting today we have a new mitzvah, vaccinating your father and mother to prolong their lives," said PM Bennett.

Yafit and Eli Shapira are the first Israelis to receive the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. They were injected by their daughter-in-law who is also a nurse Moran Shapira at a medical center in Hod Hasharon.

For information, Israel has experienced a surge in cases of COVID-19 infection in recent weeks, along with the spread of the Delta variant which now accounts for more than 90 percent of cases, with daily cases recorded more than 2,000 cases in consecutive days.

To date, nearly 5.8 million Israelis have received at least one dose of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine. Meanwhile, more than 90 percent of people over the age of 60 have received two doses of the vaccine.

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