JAKARTA - Handling the review of corpses related to COVID-19 not only has obstacles in the form of the threat of transmission of the corona virus. They also often get rejection from their families who want to take care of their own remains at home.

Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center MCCC Islamic Hospital Jakarta Sukapura Muh. Hanifurrohman, asked the families of the COVID-19 patients to understand that reviewing cannot be done normally, it must follow special protocols.

"This is indeed a dilemma. On the one hand, the family refuses to have the body carried out like the COVID-19 body and they want to take it home. Psychologically, it may be obligatory. But, medically, we have to educate the family," said Hanif in a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Friday, 12 June.

He said, what needs to be known is that the monitoring of the body with the COVID-19 protocol should not be carried out in the original place. Reza Ramdhoni, the team for monitoring the bodies of the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, said that the room for monitoring the bodies must be impervious.

"It is hoped that the body fluids that come out of the corpse will not come out and not become infectious to the outside world," said Reza.

During the study, the body was not washed to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Officers must use complete personal protective equipment. First, the body was put in a plastic bag. Then, put it back in the body bag.

"For the corpses who are Muslim, we proclaim. Because this is an emergency, we uniform all the bodies using the shroud," said Reza.

After that, the body bag was put into the chest. The crates are also wrapped with adhesive (wrapping) on the sides that allow air to escape. Furthermore, the chest was sprayed with disinfectant many times.

"It's already in a safe condition and hopefully it won't infect. So, the protocol we are running is very, very strict, both for the team and the execution of the body itself," said Reza.

Now, it should be noted that officers are not allowed to manipulate the corpse too much, in the sense of making the movement and transfer of the corpse in review. Reza said that his team had once been forced to review the body of COVID-19 in the 9th floor patient room.

"We didn't manipulate much in terms of the movement of the corpse. At that time, we found the body on the sofa and we wrapped it layer by layer according to the protocol, then we disinfected the body bag and got out through the elevator," said Reza.

It is time to entrust the monitoring of the body of COVID-19

Then, he asked the family of the corpse not to worry about the process of monitoring the body using the COVID-19 protocol to be not in accordance with religious law.

Because, in accordance with the MUI decision that the body of Islam is referred to as a martyr's body. So, we hope that the public will no longer have to worry, especially if the body wants to be retrieved again, they want to bathe themselves, as if bathing in a hospital is illegal, "explained Hanif.

"Because in an emergency condition, God willing, it is lawful in syar'i. I hope people don't have to worry and worry," he concluded.

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