JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has deposited looted money into the state treasury from the bribery case of former member of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Wahyu Setiawan.

"Deposits to the state treasury in the form of stolen money amounting to Rp654,800,000 and 41,350 Singapore dollars have been carried out by Execution Prosecutor Andry Prihandono on Friday, July 16," said Acting KPK Spokesman Ali Fikri in a statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 30.

The deposit is based on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1857 K/Pid.Sus/2021 dated June 2, 2021 in conjunction with the decision of the Corruption Court at the DKI Jakarta High Court in conjunction with the Decision of the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court Number: 28/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Jkt. Pst August 24, 2020.

"One of the KPK's commitments in carrying out asset recovery is by continuing to make deposits to the state treasury not only from paying fines and replacement money but from various looted money from corruption crimes," said Ali.

Earlier on Thursday, June 17, the KPK had executed Wahyu to the Class I Prison in Kedungpane Semarang to serve 7 years in prison.

Previously, the decision of the cassation against Wahyu was sentenced to 7 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million subsidiary 6 months in prison plus the revocation of political rights in holding public office for 5 years commencing after serving the main sentence.

Although the Cassation Council rejected the cassation application submitted by the Public Prosecutor's team (JPU), but specifically the request for revocation of political rights in holding public office for Wahyu had been considered and decided as was the request from the JPU team in the memorandum of cassation that had previously been submitted to the Supreme Court.

In the first instance trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court on August 24, 2020, the panel of judges decided that Wahyu Setiawan was sentenced to 6 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 150 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison. The panel of judges decided not to revoke Wahyu's political rights at a certain time as demanded by the KPK prosecutor.

Then on September 7, 2020, the DKI Jakarta High Court upheld the Corruption Court's decision at the Central Jakarta District Court which sentenced Wahyu to 6 years in prison or still lower than the demands of the KPK prosecutor who demanded that Wahyu be sentenced to 8 years in prison plus a fine of IDR 400 million subsidiary 6 months. confinement.

The appeal decision did not impose an additional penalty in the form of revocation of the right to be elected in public office for Wahyu for 4 years after serving the criminal sentence as demanded by the KPK.

Meanwhile, PDI-P cadre Agustiani Tio Fridelina who took part in accepting a bribe of Rp600 million from former PDIP cadre Harun Masiku together with Wahyu was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

In this case, Wahyu and Agustiani were proven to have received 19,000 Singapore dollars and 38,350 Singapore dollars or a total of Rp600 million from Harun, who is currently a fugitive.

The purpose of receiving the money is so that Wahyu can get the KPU to approve the request for an interim replacement (PAW) for members of the DPR RI from the PDIP Faction in the South Sumatra 1 Dapil, namely Riezky Aprilia, to Harun.

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