JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) received information about a fraud that carried the name of its institution in the Kapuas Hulu area, West Kalimantan.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that based on the information received, the fraudsters were acting in the name of the Indonesian Alliance Institute's Extortion Task Force affiliated with the Anti-Corruption Commission.

"The information we received from the party carried out their actions in the Kapuas Hulu area, West Kalimantan and did not rule out the possibility that similar actions could also occur in other areas," Ali said in a statement to reporters, Thursday, July 29.

Based on this information, Ali asked the public to be aware of all modes of fraud, including using the name of the KPK. He ensured that his party never collected or asked for money from anyone.

Moreover, many fraudsters use logos and names that are similar to the KPK. "We make sure that the institution does not have a cooperative relationship with the Indonesian KPK," he said.

If there are people who find fraud perpetrators carrying out their actions, Ali asks them to report them to the KPK.

"KPK urges the public to always be vigilant and if they get similar information, they can confirm it via call center 198 or e-mail [email protected] and [email protected]," he concluded.

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