JAKARTA - Hoax or fake news about COVID-19 is very dangerous. Therefore, there must be an effort to overcome it so that the COVID-19 problem can be completed. This was stated by the Head of the Presidential Hospital, Gatot Soebroto RSPAD, Lieutenant General of the Indonesian Armed Forces, dr. Albertus Budi Sulistya, Sp.ENT-KL., MARS

Coinciding with the 71st birthday of the Head of RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, he launched a book entitled Notes and Thoughts of Health Soldiers Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic. This book is expected to be a reference in tackling hoaxes that are still happening.

This book contains accurate information about COVID-19. The problem is that so far in the media and in society there is still a lot of information that is not true and misleading or is usually categorized as a hoax. He hopes that the book written by health workers within the TNI and directly edited and supervised by him can be a guide for all parties in handling COVID-19.

"This corona pandemic has been going on for more than a year. However, until now we are all still having trouble controlling the spread of COVID-19. It had decreased but recently it has risen again. So far, the production of hoaxes is still happening. We all have to be vigilant, hoaxes are very dangerous in tackling the spread of COVID-19," he said when receiving the VOI team in an interview and special photo shoot on Tuesday, July 27 at Gatot Seobroto Army Hospital, Gambir, Central Jakarta.

Inilah buku Catatan dan Pemikiran Prajurit Kesehatan Menghadapi Pandemi COVID-19. (Dok VOI)
This is the notebook and thoughts of Health Soldiers Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic. (VOI Doc)

To combat hoaxes, said Budi Sulistya, scientific information is needed from proven knowledge. "Currently we need accurate information related to COVID-19, how to handle it and how to deal with it. There are a lot of hoaxes in the media. And hoaxes themselves are hampering the resolution of the pandemic. Remember the hoaxes that hinder the completion of the pandemic," he said.

Therefore, to fight hoaxes, accurate and scientific references are needed. "Scientific references both from basic science and from strategic techniques related to handling COVID-19," he continued.

Medical Intelligence

According to Budi, every health worker who works and serves in the military service and all health facilities under the auspices of the TNI must properly understand what medical intelligence is.

"In the army there is medical intelligence. This medical intelligence is a provision and must be studied by health soldiers. Doctors who work within the TNI and Rumas Skita TNI must understand this medical intelligence properly.

RS Lapangan di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto ikut membantu mengatasi kekurangan kamar untuk menampung pasien COVID-19. (Dok.VOI)
The Field Hospital at the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital helped overcome the shortage of rooms to accommodate COVID-19 patients. (Doc. VOI)

Still on the momentum of the birthday of the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, he hopes that the loyalty of all RSPAD personnel will increase. And can help resolve the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and ward off hoaxes. "We must be optimistic that this COVID-19 pandemic can be ended. The way is that all parties from health care providers, the community and also the media must play an active role in accordance with their respective functions and roles," said Budi Sulistya.

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