JAKARTA - Constitutional Law expert Refly Harun also commented on the performance of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). Through an upload on his personal Twitter, @ReflyHZ highlighted the work of BIN who participated in holding the COVID-19 vaccination program.

Refly, who has been vocal in criticizing the Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin government, wrote a rhyme as a form of satire for BIN. It read, "Say hello to the cabin crew. When the plane starts the engine, our Intelligence Agency is BIN. Now it's working to develop vaccines."

As of Wednesday, July 28 today, Refly's rhyme tweet received a lot of attention from the residents of this blue bird symbol application with 4,877 likes and 1,039 retweets.

Refl's tweet also invites the pros and cons of netizens. Not a few who criticize Refly and call him a cynic.

"It is nobler for people who are working to help recover from the current pandemic compared to people who just talk and sneer but don't do anything, good job for BIN," tweeted the account @Ardiansy****

"Then the problem is where kl @binofficial_ri is sent down to help accelerate vaccinations like the TNI-POLRI, so that herd immunity is quickly formed, the problem is that you go to high school until the professor can be cynical without being able to contribute anything," @RexyChri****

There are also netizens who reply with rhymes as well. For example the tweet @KangA**** "Turtles go up to the clouds, Goldfish smell rancid, I thought they were statesmen, Eh, it turns out they're just nyiyir."

"There is a fired professor who becomes a cynic, it turns out that higher education does not guarantee that person becomes CIVILIZED and has EMPATHY," @Mully_****

"I'm just laughing... a professor's class but how come the work is cynical..." replied @Tompel****

In addition to criticizing Refly as a cynic, there are also those who support this rhyme. "The next job is to distribute groceries to each household, which means that BIN's work is not quiet anymore," @AgamFath****

"In BIN there is also a sales and promotion division," quipped @Dete****

"Out of tupoksi .... and lacks integrity ... very shameful," replied @anakr****

BIN previously participated in holding COVID vaccinations for residents in various regions. No kidding, BIN did it door to door as part of the acceleration of the vaccination program of 3 million doses a day.

There are several provinces targeted by BIN, such as DKI Jakarta, Banten, Central and West Java, the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) and East Java.

Then Bali, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, and Papua.

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