DENPASAR - The head of the Bali Province Civil Service Police Unit (Kasatpol PP), Dewa Nyoman Rai Dharmadi, admitted that it was difficult to supervise diners eating at a place with 20 minutes.

"It is not easy, but we hope that business managers, the public, and visitors will also obey and comply with the health protocols", Dharmadi said in Denpasar, Wednesday, July 28.

Dharmadi said that the government's rules were definitely reasonable. By considering health protocols to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

"Let the economy grow. We treat those who are sick and exposed, we take care of those who are recovering, hopefully, they will recover, because the recovery performance has increased quite a bit. However, the death rate is quite high, that's part of what the government has issued, so a rule like that is made", he said.

"We, as government officials who also carry out the task of carrying out surveillance and enforcement, are not spared from this risk. The proof is that some of our members were also exposed but isolated in hotels. So, that's the risk we and the community have together. Come on, let's work together to remind each other to take care of each other, yourself, and take care of your family to stay healthy", he continued.

Meanwhile, for the supervision of diners, his party cooperates with the Civil service police (Satpol PP) in their respective regions along with the National Armed Force (TNI) and the National Police (Polri), and the Mutual Cooperation (Gotong Royong) Task Force.

"Daily surveillance with three pickets, three times a day conducting patrols. So there is also a quick reaction team that we prepare to anticipate reports from people who are not covered by patrols, our rapid reaction team will carry out directly to locations where there is a potential crowd", he said.

However, his party also urges people not to eat in place but to pack food to avoid crowds.

"If it's not possible for them to eat on the spot, yes, take away can be done, it's still much safer. This is an adaptation of new habits that were carried out in normal situations without any problems, but now it's an emergency situation, like it or not, that's the current situation", he said.

Rules of limited meal times do raise a lot of complaints. According to him, traders objected because not all of them were ready with takeaway facilities.

"If it's been 30 minutes, leave it after eating, don't hang out", he explained.

If anyone violates this rule, Dharmadi said that business actors will be sanctioned.

"Business actors we give sanctions in the form of written warnings and many of them are fined. We even seal some. It depends, the level of error is in the medium category, light or heavy. That is our consideration", said Dharmadi.

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